Top 10k strings from Backgammon (1985)(16-48 Tape Magazine).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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  12 a((((m1-96
   6 )=player*2
   3 -player)*2
   2 paper=a((((m1-96
   2 ;"ILLEGAL":
   2 );B$((D2*4
   2 );B$((D1*4
   2  In Back-Gammon you have tomove all your counters off the  board,to do this you have two   dice and two moves a go.
   1 z) with the    exact number on either of the   dice. This MUST be done before  your opponent.
   1 y) or the top right corner (for    player 2 - press
   1 paper=a(d+n,2
   1 paper=a(((z-96
   1 out2=out2+1
   1 out1=out1+1
   1 bar2=bar2-1
   1 bar2=bar2+1
   1 bar1=bar1-1
   1 bar1=bar1+1
   1 a$=a$+a$(1
   1 a$="Well done!Well done!Well done!Well done!"
   1 a$="Another go?Another go?Another go?"
   1 SPACE),corresp-onding to the die roll.The
   1 B< 0>N<TTDD
   1 A(F,N);":";:
   1 A(***,5) A(***,6)
   1 A(***,3) A(***,4)
   1 A$="302826242220100806040200"
   1 ;"Press any key to continue."
   1 ;"PLAYER 1";
   1 ;"Congratulations Player ";player;"
   1 ;"BAR  OUT";
   1 ;"0";bar2:
   1 0 to   end your go.
   1 +* POSITIONS 
   1 +* GRAPHICS 
   1 (m2-d2=m1)
   1 (m2-d1=m1)
   1 (m2+d2=m1)
   1 (m2+d1=m1)
   1 "To get one of your own pieces   out of the bar you must roll a  double on the two dice and you  will move out into the inner    part of the other player's quad-rant(by pressing
   1 "To get one of the other
   1 "The object of game is for a
   1 "The movement is done by typing  in the letter of the strip you  want to move from and the strip you want to move too.
   1 "Start Tape and press any key forthe next program.
   1 "L to read again OR
   1 "If at any time during the input of your move you wish to end thegame this may be done by
   1 "For your first go you may move  any one of your counters the    number displayed,you also do    this for your second die.If you can't move you may press
   1  winner is the one with all his/her counters out of the game.    "
   1  pressing 'CAPS SHIFT' and '0'   at the same time.
   1  player's pieces into the bar    you must land on it when only   one of his/her pieces is one    the strip.
   1  for player 2)to move all his    pieces out in the bottom right  corner (for player 1 - press
   1  for player 1 & 
   1  22 SECONDS."
   1  'ENTER'to move on:-";